Why are professional connections so important to Navigator?

Our network helps clients get a better service

Financial planning doesn’t exist in a vacuum – neither should financial planners. We take the view that our clients get a better service, and we have a more rounded view of the world, if we work closely with a network of professionals in related fields.


What does this network include?

Financial, legal and business support

Clients have told us they want a one-stop shop, but with the best advice. We have developed a network that gives access to technical experts in:

  • Specialist pensions advice
  • Specialist taxation advice
  • Property investing
  • Estate Planning
  • Mortgage and other finance
  • Specialist investment instruments
  • Risk insurance


Why does it work?

Increased specialisation and communication

Having one co-ordinated team drastically reduces the hassle involved. Crucially it also allows the people who are the best for the job to be brought in – why keep things in-house when there’s an expert on hand? We don’t pretend to be able to draft wills or do our clients’ tax returns – but we know plenty of people who can.



What’s in it for professional connections?

Deeper client relationships

Good financial planners know their clients’ ongoing needs. Where these have legal and accounting implications, they can be addressed in context, rather than as a mere transaction. A solicitor or accountant is able to do the essentials more easily, deliver more value, and build a better relationship through more interaction as part of the team.


What next?

Talk to us

We thoroughly enjoy the sharing of perspectives that comes with working with a solicitor, accountant or other service provider that’s at the top of their game. If you would like to work alongside us, please get in touch. We’d be happy to swap expertise, and make introductions where appropriate.

What is EBIS?

Our investment research and development group

Navigator is one of the founder members of the Evidence Based Investment Solutions (EBIS) group. EBIS was formed in 2008 by nine people who each run their own high quality independent wealth management boutiques across England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, representing approximately £400 million of funds under management.


What is the purpose of EBIS?

Educating anyone who will listen about evidence-based investment

The purpose of the group is to put the case for a smarter way of investing – based on evidence from academic research around the world – and to provide a central resource for sharing our investment philosophy with a wider audience.


What motivates EBIS?

Protecting our clients and our reputation from flawed industry practices.

The investment management business in the UK continues to provide massive increases in wealth. Unfortunately, most of this is transferred from investors’ pockets to those of the fund management industry itself in the form of bonuses, commissions, fees and other expenses. EBIS members have a completely different approach.


How does EBIS function as Navigator’s investment committee?

Pooling experience and intellectual capital

In order to provide a good and consistent investment experience it is necessary to apply a structured and disciplined process to the construction of investment portfolios.

This process should consider each asset class and sub-class, examine the evidence for and against holding it, and recommend whether it is likely to add risk-adjusted return to portfolios.

Model portfolios should then be tested for the most appropriate combination of each asset class, using the latest developments in Modern Portfolio Theory. Finally, the funds available in each asset class need to be reviewed against a range of criteria, including cost and how well it fills its brief.

The EBIS investment committee’s role is to identify and present the evidence the group needs to make asset allocation and fund decisions for their clients’ portfolios. Our experience and intellectual capital are combined to produce what we believe are some of the most rigorously researched portfolios available.


How do clients benefit from EBIS?

Member firms are far more capable together than in isolation

EBIS is also an ongoing research and development organisation, meeting regularly to share best practice ideas and processes between our businesses. This co-operation allows us to gain and pass on to clients a more rounded view of Financial Planning than we would be able to as an individual firm.